How to Install Java Development Kit and Add Variable Path to ENV

How to Install Java Development Kit and Add Variable Path to ENV
Hello everyone, welcome back at porkaone. In this discussion we will learn how to install the Java Development Kit or JDK for short. And how to add a path to the environment. Come on, follow the discussion below.

What is Java Development Kit?

The Java Development Kit (JDK) is a collection of software used to develop, test, and run Java applications. If you are an Android developer using Android Studio or using Flutter then JDK must be installed on your computer.

This is very important, one of the reasons is to retrieve the SHA-1 key. SHA-1 keys are used for security and authentication purposes. Without using the SHA-1 key you cannot authenticate using the Google Account service.

How to Install Java Development Kit

1. First, please download the installer via the following link Select x64 installer for computers with 64 bit architecture.
Mengunduh Java Installer
Download Java Installer

2. Carry out the installation as usual, just click next, just next until the installation process is complete.
Menginstall Java Development Kit Sahretech
Install JDK

3. Open the folder where JDK was installed. Usually in the C/Program Files/Java/jdk-21/bin folder. An example is the image below. If you have found it, please copy the path.
Sahretech java

4. Then open search and look for edit the system environment variable.
Mencari ENV Sahretech
Finding ENV

5. Open → select the Advanced tab and click the environment variables button
Change ENV

6. Double click on the path.
Change ENV

7. Then click new and add the path that was copied previously
Change ENV

8. Ok, now you can try running the  java --version command in cmd. If the method above is done correctly, it will look like the one below.
Run the Command

That's it for our short tutorial this time on how to install the Java Development Kit and add path variables to the env. Hopefully this short tutorial is useful. If anyone has questions, please ask directly in the comments column below.

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