Hello everyone, back again at porkaone. An IP address is a unique set of
numbers that signify or identify a device connected to the internet. We can
analogize the IP address as a house number. Where each connected IP address
can exchange data with other devices. The IP address must be unique so that
the data sent is not sent to the wrong destination.
Class on IP Address Version 4
IP address currently has 2 versions, namely ip address version 4 and ip address version 6. In ip address version 4 there are 5 classes or 5 classifications of ip addresses. These are the ip addresses A, B, C, D and E. The main difference between the classes is the number of bits used to determine the network ID and host ID in the IP address.
Class on IP Address |
🏡 Class A
Class A uses 8 bits for the network ID and 24 bits for the host ID. Class A IP addresses start with the numbers 1 to 126. Class A is usually used for a network that has many hosts. In total, the number of hosts that can be accommodated in this class is 16,777,214. Example ip address:🏡 Class B
Class B uses 16 bits for the network ID and 16 bits for the host ID. Class B IP addresses start with the numbers 128 to 191. Class B is used for medium-sized networks with not too many hosts and not too few. The number of hosts that can be accommodated is 65,534 hosts. Example ip address:🏡 Class C
Class C uses 24 bits for the network ID and 8 bits for the host ID. This class C IP address begins with the numbers 192 to 223. Class C is used for small networks with small hosts. The number of hosts that can be accommodated in this class is 254 hosts. Example ip address: If your computer is using a local network, you can check it by using the ipconfig command on cmd🏡 Class D
Class D is used for multicast addresses. Class D ip addresses start from 224 to 239. Class D is used by individuals to send packets to a number of hosts that are members of a multicast group.
🏡 Class E
Class E is used as an experimental IP address or a backup IP that will be used in the future. This class E ip address starts from 240 to 255. Example ip: Function on IP Address
As was mentioned above. The IP address class is used to group the desired
number of hosts on a network.
Class A is used for large networks with a large number of hosts. Class B for
intermediate networks with a moderate number of hosts. Class C for small
networks with a small number of hosts. Class D is used for multicast for a
group. And class E is used for experiments.
Grouping IP addresses into different classes makes it easier for
administrators to allocate IP addresses and determine the desired number of
hosts. This grouping also helps in managing packet routing.
Ok, that's all for this short article about classes in IP addresses. Hope
this helps, if you have input and questions please leave them in the
comments column below. That is all and thank you.
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