The Best and Most Popular LMS Application For School and College Online Learning

Hello everyone, welcome back to porkaone. The life we ​​live today has changed a lot, this is in line with the rapid development of technology that is currently available, everything has changed from the way people do business, transact, enjoy entertainment, seek information, to the way people learn and teach as well. changed.

In the era of the internet as it is today, people rely on the internet as the main means of obtaining information and facilitating teaching and learning with it. Currently, the term e-learning appears, namely online learning by utilizing the internet as the main means to bring together teachers and students. Teachers can give assignments, students can collect assignments, teachers can provide materials and information, students can provide feedback, teachers and students can fill in attendance, Everything in the real world has been digitized using e-learning.

Creating feature-rich e-learning is not easy, it takes experts, money and large infrastructure to make it. But that was in the past, currently there are many LMS available that make it easier for schools and universities to conduct online learning with complete features without the need for large costs. In the following, I will discuss the understanding of LMS, and 5 of the best and most popular LMS for learning online. Let's follow the following discussion.

What is LMS Websites?

Learning Management System or abbreviated as LMS, which is an application that can be used to manage all online learning activities, from attendance, assignment, online exams and quizzes, assessments, to chat features between teachers and students.

No need to be confused with the LMS definition above, the point is if you want to have an online learning application that is fast and easy to set up, the solution can be using an LMS. If normally attendance using google forms can now be done with LMS, in the past, when you used to record data using excel, you can now use LMS. In the past, collecting assignments via WhatsApp can now be done using LMS. Previously, holding exams using an online quiz platform can now be done using LMS. -Other things.

Best LMS List

1. Moodle

Moodle is an application or also a website-based e-learning LMS device that changes the concept of offline learning media into web-based online. In the next stage, Moodle will direct students to enter the digital classroom and then access learning materials.

Teachers or lecturers can create learning materials, quizzes or exams, journals and other features using Moodle. Along with advances in information technology, currently Moodle can also be used through applications based on Android and iOS. There are many features in Moodle that can be useful for you to build great e-learning.

tampilan website edmodo
Edmodo, MoodlefairyCC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

2. Google Classroom

Google Classroom is a mixed learning platform for all education sectors aimed at finding solutions to the difficulties of creating, sharing and classifying paperless assignments. Google Classroom links several Google services to help educational institutions move to a paperless system.

tampilan google class room
Google Classroom

Through Google Drive, you can complete the creation and assignment of assignments, as well as create notifications in Google's classrooms using Gmail. Inviting students to come to the classroom can also be done in several ways, such as through the institution's database, through a personal password that can be added to the interface or invited individually directly from the school information management system.

Google classroom is integrated with google calendar for teachers and students. Then each class is made a separate file by Google Classroom in each Google service so that students can submit their assignments so that they can be classified by the teacher.

3. Edmodo

Next, there is Edmodo, if we take a quick look at the Edmodo concept, it is similar to one of the most popular social media today, namely Facebook. There is a timeline in the middle of the page, just like Facebook. All tasks, information and status will appear in the center of the page. This makes it easier for students to find updated information from the teacher.

For both teachers and students, they can also share notes, links, and documents. Teachers can also post notifications, events, assignments to students, and choose to post things in a public timeframe.

tampilan baru edmodo

Edmodo was developed by Nic Borg and Jeff O'Hara in late 2008. They felt the need for schools and colleges about digital must grow. So finally they created a social media platform specifically for teachers, lecturers, students, students and parents.

Edmodo is designed to make students more enthusiastic about learning in a more modern environment and connected to their respective gadgets. Edmodo is also designed to make students and teachers more interactive while they are in it by creating online class discussions, giving polls, giving awards such as plaques or badges for outstanding students.

4. Schoology

Schoology itself is a learning management system (LMS) solution created for collaboration between all types of students and instructors. This solution is intended for K-12 learning (a term used in the education system and educational technology in the United States, for example kindergarten, and from grades one to grade twelfth), higher education and corporate training programs.

Schoology Course Dashboard
Schoology Course Dashboard, by:

The priority target of this LMS Schoology solution is the possibility of collaboration between frequent checkpoints and to ensure that participants are engaged in the material. The most recent addition to this solution is assessment management, which brings learning management features into assessment.

Next generation APIs and Learning Tools Interoperability or LTI support, custom branding, granular role creation, advanced assessment, detailed analysis for a fee are what Schoology has to offer. Aesthetics that are familiar with Facebook's gamification features, mobile applications and parental accounts as applied to Edmodo are also used in Schoology. Its premium price model also competes with Edmodo.

Learning components such as Students and teachers and even parents can also play for free, but admins have to pay for premium additional features. Faced with the social networking and entrepreneurship of an LMS, Schoology is the ideal place for K12 learning management.

Ok, so this article is about the best and most popular LMS application for online learning at schools and colleges. Hopefully useful, don't forget to share and comment below, and see you in other cool and interesting articles.

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