Hello everyone, welcome back to porkaone. In the world of technology and the internet, Google has launched many very innovative products. Even some of the products are very popularly used by the world community, such as google search, youtube, gmail, android and many more.
Although it is known as a technology giant and produces many great products, it turns out that Google has also made failed products. What are the Google products that are considered a failure?. The following is a list of Google's failed products that you probably don't know much about.
1. Google Glass
Google glass is a smart glasses that can display information from the internet on the glass and can be operated via voice. Google Glass was released in February 2013 and went on sale in 2014.
Instead of displaying information. Google glass apparently got a lot of criticism from the public. Because these glasses are like spies that can record secretly and interfere with the privacy of others.
For that reason many places prohibit the use of google glass, in the end Google stopped the production of this tool and replaced it with the google glass enterprise edition which was launched in 2019 and is only available for partners.
2. Project Ara
Project fig is a mobile phone with a modular model. Modular means that a smartphone consists of modules such as camera, battery, etc., which these modules can be disassembled. The advantage of this cellphone is that you don't need to buy a new cellphone, just replace certain modules. Another advantage is reducing e-waste.
This very innovative project in fact failed to be realized and was stopped by Google before its release in 2017. Sources from Reuters said this project was stopped by Google in order to streamline their business.
About whether this project will continue or not be published is still unclear. But there are rumors that Google wants to sell this technology license to other vendors for re-development. So, in your opinion, what is the problem, guys?, do you think this project is really realistic to be carried out and implemented for the wider community or not.
3. Google Plus
Google plus is one of the social media created by Google which was born in 2011. Google intends to compete with Facebook by taking advantage of the large number of Gmail users. Although initially it had such great public attention. Google plus finally had to be dismissed in April 2019 on the grounds of lack of interest. Google plus failed to compete with other social media and this failure at the same time adds to the list of Google projects and applications that have failed.
4. Picasa
Picasa is a photo application that was acquired by Google in 2004. In that year Picasa became one of the most popular photo websites, this is what made Google interested in buying it. But unfortunately, the popularity of Picasa did not last long. In 2016, Google officially closed the Picasa application and replaced it with Google Photos. Picasa is deserted because it can't compete with other photo and video editing applications.
5. Google Wave
Google wave is an app with functions similar to hangouts. This application allows users to send messages and edit documents. The application that used to be predicted to replace gmail turned out to be dismissed and included in the list of failed google products. The reason this app looks very confusing to users. So in the end Google closed the application in 2010 exactly one year after this application was released.
It turns out that there are still several other products made by Google that have failed. The following is a list of Google products that have failed.
1. Google Nexus (2010 - 2016) Now google nexus is replaced with google pixel
2. Google Reader (2005 - 2013) Reader app
3. Google Talks (2005 - 2017) Instant messaging apps are replaced with hangouts, messages and duo
4. Chromecast Audio (2015 - 2019) music player
5. Quick Office (2004 - 2014) Office applications replaced with google docs
6. Google latitude (2009 - 2013) Location app
7. Google Video (2005 - 2012) Video streaming app
8. Google Buzz (2010 – 2011) Instant messaging app
9. Google Offers(2011-2014) Discount and coupon apps
Ok, so many articles about this list of failed google products. May be useful. If you have any questions, please write your questions in the comments column below. See you in another interesting article.
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